2016년 3월 17일 목요일

72-Channel Dry EEG Headset System

72-Channel Dry EEG Headset System


The HD 72 is the first true high density mobile dry EEG platform that supports up to 64 channels plus up to 8 auxiliary channels for other physiological monitoring, such as ECG/EMG/respiration/GSR, etc. The Cognionics platform is made possible by an unique combination of patent-pending sensors, mechanics and electronics. Headset design is critical for dry EEG systems since there is no gel to buffer against contact loss of sensor movements relative to the scalp. Advanced mechanics and precision pressure control in the headset allow for multiple degrees of freedom to conform to the many variations in head shapeand size. It is designed for use with both Drypad sensors (on bare scalp) and Flex sensors (through hair).

The onboard electronics includes a low-noise EEG amplifier with 120dB of input dynamic range to reliably record signals under real-world conditions. The system contains a patent-pending, continuous impedance measurement circuit to enable contact quality monitoring in real time. All of the sensors are actively shielded to minimize interference from the environment. The Headset supports Cognionics wireless triggering technology for precision time marking of events with minimal latency and jitter.
The system comes with Cognionics own, easy-to-use recording software. Raw data output specifications are also provided for building custom applications.

Video Introduction 

Demonstrations and Applications

Video demonstration of the Cognionics headset under various levels of subject movement and inside an automobile along with UCSD developed artifact cancellation software.
Cognionics-UCSD Mobile EEG and ASR Demo


Download Datasheet (pdf)

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